Frequently, much more complicated designs consisting of a large number of MV/LV switching devices, transformers, power generators etc. do not fit even within the largest structures (8160 mm x 3060 mm). The ZPUE S.A. company is one of few on the market which has in its offer a system for connecting typical concrete containers, under the name of “MRw-bS” prepared for individual adaptations, to meet the needs of customers. In order to reduce the investment costs for facilities with a significant demand for installed power, “MRw-bSP” multifloor substations may be used. Their main advantage is concentrating significant transformer unit power over a small area of construction. The catalogue only presents examples of manufactured substations. It is possible to manufacture many other solutions to meet individual needs. Including substations with multiple transformers with a power up to 4000 kVA, or substations with power generators with a power up to 2000 kVA.